Enchanting Moments with Dachshund Puppies: A Careful Guide

Enchanting Moments with Dachshund Puppies A Careful Guide

In your mind’s eye, envision a tiny hotdog with legs, leaping through your life with the never-ending energy of a hurricane puppy. That’s the magic of dachshund puppies! Overlook floppy ears and wagging tails, these short-legged doxies steal hearts with their stubby waddle, soulful eyes and sausage-sniffing eagerness.

Before you get swept away by their undeniable cuteness, it’s pivotal to comprehend the joys and challenges of welcoming a dachshund puppy into your life. This exhaustive guide will, undoubtedly, equip you with everything you should know about these awe-inspiring little sausages.

KingdomPhylumClassOrder FamilyGenusScientific Name
AnimaliaChordataMammalia CarnivoraCanidaeCanis Canis lupus
Taxonomic Classification of Dachshund (Canis lupus)

Origin and Evolution

Dachshund History

Dachshund origin can be traced back to 15th-century Europe, where their forerunners were discriminatively bred for hunting purposes. Originally recognized as “badger dogs” or “dachs hunds” in German, they’re advanced to outrival in hunting badgers thanks to their elongated bodies and sharp sense of smell.

Dachshund Evolution

Throughout dachshund history, it’s undergone multiple physical and temperamental variations. The thoughtful breeding led to the emergence of three distinct coat types: smooth dachshund, wirehaired dachshund and longhaired dachshund.

On top of that, the focus on companionship little by little softened the breed’s once-fierce hunting instincts, leading to the playful and loyal personalities we cherish today.

Dachshund Breeds and Characteristics

Dachshund Breeds and Characteristics

Diverse Breeds

Even though most people envision the standard short-haired dachshund, the breed, in actual, comes in three different coat varieties:

  • Smooth dachshund: These sleek and shiny sausage dogs are the most common variety, known for their low-maintenance coasts and spirited personalities. 
  • Wirehaired dachshund: These badger dogs, sporting a rough and wiry coat, are natural adventures, built for unfolding the great outdoors.
  • Longhaired dachshund: These wiener dogs, with their flowing locks, have resemblance to miniature royalty, adding a touch of elegance to the dachshund family.

Distinctive Features

In conjunction with dachshund characteristics, they’re more than just appealing sausages with legs. Here is a glance at the typical dachshund temperament:

  • Loyal and Loving: These wiener dogs construct strong bonds with their families, showering them with fondness and playful energy.
  • Independent and Stubborn: Their hunting heritage implanted a streak of independence which, once in a blue moon, manifest as stubbornness during training.
  • Clever and Curious: The badger dogs are intelligent ones equipped with a knack for problem-solving and a nose for adventure.


Color(s) Black, chocolate, cream, red, tan, brindle, dapple
Teeth 42 white teeth
NoseBlack or brown, depending on coat color
Feet Black or brown pads

The beagle basset hound mix and the dachshund, both charming breeds with elongated bodies, showcase a shared trait in their distinctive short legs, offering endearing companionship.

Dachshund Temperament

Recognizing a dachshund behavior is key to living in harmony with your furry friend. Let’s spotlight some tips a smooth and enjoyable relationship:

  • Early Socialization: It’ll be a good practice to let your dachshund puppy interact with different people, animals and environments from a young age to prevent fear and aggression.
  • Positive Reinforcement Training: In conjunction with knowing how to train you dachshund, reward good behavior with treats, praise and playtime to shape desired behavior.
  • Exercise their Minds and Bodies: When it comes to dachshund exercise, regular walks, playtime and engaging doings like scent training are crucial for keeping these creatures happy and healthy.

For more insights about Dachshunds, including their history, characteristics, and care, you can visit the American Kennel Club (AKC).

Dachshund as Your Companion

Dachshund as Your Companion

Consideration for Selection

Before your heart melts holistically at the glimpse of those wiggling bodies, ponder over your lifestyle and pinpoint the perfect dachshund pal that complements it. Here’re some factors to consider:

  • Energy Level: With respect to dachshund size, they come in two sizes: standard and miniature. The former are livelier and entails more exercise, while the latter one is more laid-back and contents with indoor playtime.
  • Coat Type: Smooth dachshunds are relatively low-maintenance but shed more, whereas wirehaired and longhaired dachshunds entail regular brushing and professional grooming.

Preparing Your Home

There’re two primary options you got to welcome a dachshund puppy into your life: reputable breeders and dachshund rescue organizations. Both options have their fors and againsts, so it’s pivotal to do your research and opt for the path that aligns with your priorities.

Bringing Home Dachshund Puppies

First Days and Weeks

So, you’ve finalized your perfect little wiener dog! Now comes the thrilling – and slightly nerve-wracking – part: getting your home prepared and welcoming your new furry family member. Here’s are some indispensable tips for a smooth transition:

  • Secure electrical cords and wires.
  • Place breakable items and toxic substances properly.
  • Block access to stairs and balconies.
  • Arrange comfy bedding and designated play areas.

Socialization Strategies

The initial weeks with your dachshund puppy are going to be a whirlwind of clumsiness, cuteness and exploration. You’re to be patient, offering plenty of love and guidance and celebrate every tiny milestone. Here’re some points related to dachshund training:

  • Give your puppy a considerable time to adjust to their environment. You’re to permit them to explore at their own pace and avoid overwhelming them with excessive stimuli.
  • Offer a plethora of opportunities for playtime and cuddles. Building a strong bond with dachshund puppies is essential for a fulfilling relationship.
  • Begin potty training early. It’s the consistent routines and positive reinforcement that will assist your puppy to learn where to go.

Dachshund Rescue and Adoption

Deciding to adopt a dachshund isn’t solely about carrying home a pet; it’s about saving a life and offer a deserving sausage dog a chance at a loving forever home. Dachshund rescue organizations burn midnight oil to rehabilitate rehome abandoned, surrendered and neglected dachshunds of all ages and backgrounds. Here’re some consideration for adopting a dachshund:

  • Be ready for prospective dachshund behavioral challenges. Rescue ones may have reached home from difficult pasts and may entail extra patience and understanding.
  • Collaborate with the rescue organizations to pinpoint the right match for your lifestyle.
  • Be open to adopting an adult dachshund; they can be just as affectionate and rewarding as puppies.

Dachshund Puppies’ Health Care

Dachshund Puppies' Health Care

Dachshund Puppies Health Issues

Dachshunds, albeit their adorable sausage bods, are sitting ducks in terms of certain health conditions, particularly in the course of essential puppy stage. A few of the most common include:

  • Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD): Owing to their elongated spines, this’s a major concern for dachshunds. The discs betwixt their vertebrae can herniate, leading to pain, paralysis and even neurological damage.
  • Patellar Luxation: This health issue happens the moment when the kneecap slips out of its groove, resulting in limping and discomfort.
  • Hip Dysplasia: This malformation of the hip joint can end up in pain, arthritis and lameness. Opting for responsible breeders who screen their breeding stock for hip dysplasia can be fruitful to reduce the risk in puppies.
  • Dachshund Eye Issues: Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) and cataracts are moderately common in dachshunds and bring about vision loss. 

Vaccinations and Preventive Care

Your dachshund, just like any puppy, needs a series of vaccinations and boosters to shield them from infectious diseases like parvovirus, rabies and distemper. Regular vet checkups are pivotal for monitoring their development, growth and dealing with any potential health concerns early on. Parasite prevention medication for both internal and external parasites should be kept in the forefront of your mind.

Mating Habits

Mating BehaviorMating involves the male mounting the female and achieving a “tie,” a period where the pair remains locked together for up to 20 minutes.
Reproduction SeasonSpring and fall
Litter SizeTypically 4-6 puppies, although litters can range from 2 to 12 pups.
Gestation PeriodApproximately 63 days
Baby CarryingThe female dachshund carries the puppies in her womb during gestation.
Independent AgeTypically weaned at 8-12 weeks and considered independent at around 6 months of age.
Female NameDachs, Doxy, Doxie, Sausage Dog, Wiener Dog
Male NameOscar, Otto, Fritz, Max, Hugo, Duke, Gus
Baby Name Puppy, Pup, Wiener, Doxie, Dood, Little Sausage, Dash, Digger

Dachshund as a Pet

Dachshunds and Children

Albeit doxies are loving, they can be easily caught off guard by loud noises or sudden movements; it makes your supervision on the interactions betwixt your dachshund and children mandatory. You’re to teach your children to honor your dachshunds’ personal space and not pull on their ears or tail.

Dachshunds and Other Pets

Introduce your dachshund puppy to other pets inch by inch and in a controlled environment. Always supervise playtime between your dachshund and other pets, particularly the smaller ones. Don’t be unmindful of size difference and intervene if any signs of aggression appear.

Training Dachshund Puppies

Training Dachshund Puppies

The wiener dogs, with their independent streak, entail consistent and positive reinforcement training to become well-mannered companions. Let’s spotlight some indispensable tips for shaping your furry friend into a social star:

  • Start Early and Be Consistent: Typically, puppies possess absorbent minds, so start dachshund training from the moment they come home. Go for short, fun training sessions over the span of the day to reinforce required behaviors.
  • Focus on the Basics: Begin with vital commands like sit, come, stay and leave it. Having grip on these basic commands will lay the cornerstone for future training.
  • Socialization is Key: Let your puppy to have interaction with different animals, people and environments from the day one. This will, eventually, polish their confidence.
  • Puppy Classes: Enroll your dachshund puppy in puppy classes; this will be a fun and rewarding way to learn basic commands, socialize with other pups and grasp guidance from experienced trainers. 

Grooming and Maintenance

To maintain their health and keep them appearing their best, they require grooming. Regular brushing with a rubber mitt or bristle brush removes dead hair and keep their coat shiny and healthy. Every few months, these pups entail professional hand stripping, to remove dead hair and maintain their unparalleled wiry texture. Brushing on daily basis is vital to avoid matting and tangles.

In conjunction with dachshund grooming and maintenance, you’re to trim their nails regularly to prevent them from becoming overgrown and painful. In addition, gently clean their ears once a week with a vet-approved ear cleaner to avoid infections. Last but not the least, don’t forget brushing their teeth regularly, ensuring their good oral health.

Dachshund Nutrition

Badger dogs entail a balanced diet that offers them with essential nutrients for optimal growth and development. Here’re some key points to consider while seeking for the best food for dachshund puppies:

  • With respect to high-quality puppy food, go for a brand formulated particularly for small breed puppies. These formulas are rich in protein and fat, pivotal for muscle development and energy level.
  • While buying, pay attention to the ingredients list and make sure the food contains high-quality protein sources like, poultry, meat or fish. Avoid foods with high in artificial additives, fillers or by-products.
  • Share you puppy’s needs with your vet and ask for recommendations for the best food brand.

Exercise and Playtime

 Exercise and Playtime

Tailored Exercise Routines

Exercise on daily basis is essential for keeping your dachshund puppy physically and mentally stimulated. Here’s how to ensure your wiener dog gets the playtime they need:

  • Don’t engage your puppy in strenuous exercise, particularly jumping or running on stairs, for this can put strain on their backs.
  • Let your puppy engage in indoor games like fetch, tug-of-war or hide-and-seek to keep them both active and entertained.
  • Offer them puzzle toys, chew toys and other interactive toys that challenge their cognition and keep them occupied.

Activities for Mental Stimulation

  • When it comes to dachshund puppies training, it’s worth-noting that these creatures possess powerful noses, so put their sniffing skills to the test with fun scent training activities.
  • You may set up simple obstacle courses in your home or backyard using chairs, tunnels or boxes to offer them with physical and mental challenges.
  • Avoid sticking to the same routine every day; keep mixing things up with diverse walks, games and activities to prevent boredom.

Fun Facts about Dachshunds

  • Dachshund’s powerful nose, inherited from its hound ancestors, makes it exceptional at tracking and scent discrimination.
  • Wiener dogs can be astonishingly agile and appreciate activities like agility courses, swimming and even hiking short trails.
  • To express their emotions, these creatures love to use their voices from playful barks and yodels to curious whines and protective growls.
  • In Japan, dachshunds are known as “teckel,” which implies “dachs” or “badger dog.” In Germany, they’re in many moons called “Dackelhund,” which literally translates to “badger dog.”
  • Dachshunds have been featured in movies, TV shows and even comic books, for instance, “The Ugly Dachshund” (1966), “Grand Hotel” (1932), “Lady and the Tramp” (1955), “Toy Story” (1995-present), “The Secret Life of Pets” (2016-present), “Wiener-Dog” (2016) and “Emily the Criminal” (2022).

Common Challenges and Solutions

Common Challenges and Solutions

Raising dachshund puppies is a rewarding experience, but it comes with its own set of challenges too. Here’re some dachshund issues you might experience and tips for navigating them:

  • Separation Anxiety: Badger dogs crave attention and can suffer from separation anxiety when left alone for long periods. Providing calming toys, create a cozy space for them.
  • Destructive Chewing: Top help curb this destructive habit, provide your dachshund with a plethora of chew toys and redirect their chewing behavior onto acceptable objects.
  • Leash Pulling: Dachshunds can be strong-willed walkers; use a harness as a substitute for a collar to avoid neck strain and don’t go for quick-fix solutions like choke chains.
  • Weight Management: Of the dachshund concerns, obesity is a major one; this is due to their body proportions. Monitoring their food intake and providing regular exercise can be fruitful in this regard.
  • Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD): Make your puppy avoid jumping and excessive stairs to avoid this serious back condition.

Unique Characteristics

Forge a path through an intriguing journey as we unfold fascinating facts about dachshunds – truly captivating animals that start with D. Join us in shedding light on their remarkable rundown!

Common NameDachshund Puppies
Other Name(s)Wiener dog, badger dog, doxie, and sausage dog
Population SizeMillions worldwide
Lifespan 12 – 16 years
Weight 16-32 pounds (standard dachshunds), 8-11 pounds (miniature dachshunds)
Length 8-9 inches (standard) or 5-6 inches (miniature) at the shoulder
Top Speed Up to 15 mph
Predator Foxes, hawks, eagles, coyotes, larger dogs
Prey Rabbits, rodents, small birds, snakes
Most Distinctive FeatureElongated body and short legs


Because of their diminutive stature and generally calm temperament, dachshunds are wonderful playmates for young children.

Although they are loyal and affectionate dogs, dachshunds may also be independent when it comes to training!

Due to their social nature, dachshunds do not typically enjoy being left alone for extended periods of time. They can, however, withstand being left alone for a few hours if given the right instruction, exercise, and mental stimulation.

Dachshund is a German word that can be perplexing to articulate. It’s two syllables and sounds like dock-sunned.

While buying is usually more expensive than rescuing, doxies typically cost between $25 and $35 per week in the US. The cost to purchase this dog can range from $400 to $1500 USD.

A standard dachshund and a miniature are present. A standard, or larger size, can reach lengths of 25 inches, heights of 9 inches, and weights of 32 pounds.

Mudassar Ahmad

He is a seasoned blogger since 2012 and an M.Phil graduate in English Linguistics. He captivates readers with his eloquent prose and insightful perspectives. His passion for language and dedication to crafting compelling content make him a trusted voice in the online sphere. Explore the world through Ahmad's literary lens.

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