Balinese Cat Breed: Siameses in Silk Robes

Balinese Cat breed

Looking for a feline companion as graceful as a ballerina and chatty as a best friend? Look no further than the Balinese cat breed, where silky fur meets sparking sapphire eyes and playful antics pirouette across you living room. These feline friends boast an astonishingly laid-back nature and a purr that could melt the iciest heart. Join us in our adventure to unlock the secrets of the Balinese breed!

KingdomPhylumClassOrder FamilyGenusScientific Name
AnimaliaChordataMammaliaCarnivoraFelidaeFelisFelis catus
Taxonomic Classification of Balinese Cat (Felis catus)

Origin and Evolution

Evolutionary History

With its short-haired cousin, Siamese, the Balinese cat breed shares a striking backstory. Both breeds trace their lineage to Thailand (formerly Siam), where longhaired Siamese kittens once in a blue moon occurred thanks to a recessive gene.

These longhaired Siamese were initially presumed undesirable and excluded from breeding for many years. Nonetheless, in the mid-20th century, American breeders saw their potential and kicked off a dedicated effort to establish them as a distinct breed.

Genetic Composition and Diversity

In contrast with their short-haired counterparts, these cats possess an additional copy of the longhair gene (LH), responsible for the luxurious fur of Balinese cats. This gene lies on chromosome A1 and interacts with a plenty of other genes affecting hair length, texture and growth cycle.

Environmental Adaptations

When it comes to the Balinese adaptations, particularly the environmental, the longhaired coat of these cats offer surprisingly good insulation n both hot and cold environments albeit it may seem like a disadvantage in warmer climates. The double layer of Balinese coat, having fine downy fur beneath the longer guard hairs, assists to regulate body temperature effectively.


Continent(s) Developed as a breed in North America
CountriesFound in the United States and Canada, with limited distribution in Europe
Bio-geographical RealmsNearctic (North America) realm due to its origin in the U.S
Biome Domesticated species

5 Balinese Cat Facts

Types of Balinese Cats
  • Balinese cats most often than not enjoy splashing in water and playing with dripping faucets.
  • These cute creatures crave companionship and construct strong bonds with their humans.
  • Some Balinese cats may trigger less allergic reactions due to their single coat type and lower shedding.
  • Dissimilar to their independent feline brethren, Balinese cats can occasionally be trained to walk on leashes!
  • With athletic physiques and powerful hind legs, they can effortlessly scale bookshelves, curtains and even refrigerators.


Balinese Cat

Physical Characteristics

Size: Speaking of the Balinese cat size, they’re medium-sized felines having males generally weighing 4 to 8 kg (8.8-17.6 lbs) and females slightly smaller at 3-6 kg (6.6-13.2 lbs). Their length, excluding the tail, ranges from 33-40 cm (13-15.7 inches).

Shape: These cute cats boast a long, graceful and slender build with fine bones, constructing an elegant and athletic silhouette.

Color: Concerning the Balinese cat colors, their coat comes in a variety of mesmerizing colors and patterns, from the traditional Siamese point markings (seal, chocolate, lilac and blue) to rarer variations like red, cream, lynx and tortie combinations.

Markings: The point colorings showcase a fascinating contrast, with lighter cream or white bodies adorned with darker “points” on the face, ears, legs, and tail.

Distinctive Feature: In terms of the Balinese cat appearance, their most defining feature is the luxurious, semi-longhaired coat, growing up to 10 to 15 cm (4-6 inches) in length.

Sexual Dimorphism

Like many other cats, male Balinese cats tend to be slightly larger and heavier than females; their heads may be broader and their bodies more muscular. Nevertheless, the most distinguishing difference lies in their jowls; males can develop conspicuous jowls as they mature, while females normally retain a more delicate facial structure.

Types of Balinese Cats

Beneath the enthralling exterior of the Balinese cat breed, there lies a diverse array of coat colors and patterns, each adding an unparalleled touch to their charm.

Classic Point Colors

These Balinese cats – the epitome of elegance – sport the traditional Siamese point markings. Their creamy bodies are embellished with awe-inspiring color accents on the face, ears, legs and tail.

  • Seal Point: It’s the most common variation, with deep chocolate brown points contrasting beautifully with the light coat.
  • Chocolate Point: You can consider it a softer, warmer version of the seal point, with rich milk chocolate accents.
  • Blue Point: It sport a cooler and more ethereal look, with stunning blue-gray points that shimmer in the light.
  • Lilac Point: This is a delicate and sophisticated option, showcasing pale lavender points that add a touch of whimsy.

Diluted and Bi-color Points

These Balinese cat variations provide a playful twist on the classic point colors, adding a touch of uniqueness and personality.

  • Red Point: It’s a rare and fiery beauty having vibrant orange-red points that stand out against the creamy coat.
  • Cream Pont: If you prefer a harmonious look, this option is for you; it features delicate peach-colored points.
  • Tortie Point: This variation is a kaleidoscope of color, featuring both black and red points swirling and blending in a unique pattern.
  • Lynx Point: These cats, adding a touch of wildness, exhibit tabby markings within their point colors.

Tough point colors are the hallmark of the Balinese, some variations venture beyond the traditional markings.

  • Solid: These cats come in a range of solid colors, like black, white and chocolate.
  • Particolor: What adorns these Balinese cats is the playful splashed of color, creating unique patterns like bi-color and calico.

Traditional and Modern Purebred Cats

Body Types

The Balinese cat breed come in two recognized body types: traditional and modern. Both types share a plethora of defining traits, encompassing mesmerizing sapphire blue eyes, a long, graceful and slender figure with fine bones, large ears, oval paws, a long tail and almond-shaped eyes. The Balinese breed slightly exceeds the size of its short-haired Siamese ancestor thanks to its distinct longhaired coat.

The Javanese: A Blend of Breeds

The Japanese breed originates from crossing a Balinese with a Colorpoint Shorthair, leading to a dazzling array of additional color points, now surpassing 40 in number. Though recognized as a separate breed by the Cat Fanciers’ Association in the American standard, it’s regarded a subtype of the Balinese by the Balinese and Javanese Breed Councils.

The Cat Fanciers’ Association acknowledges Balinese in only four point colors: blue, seal, lilac and chocolate. In contrast, most other associations, including lilac, chocolate, red, cream, tortoiseshell, and lynx point markings.

Balinese Cat Breed Anatomy

Color(s) Brown, Red, Blue, Black, Cream, Chocolate, Lilac, Caramel
TongueRough textured with tiny pink spines (papillae) for grooming
ClawsRetractable, sharp claws for climbing and hunting
MouthWide opening with small teeth and a pink tongue
Jaw Strong and muscular for biting and chewing
Teeth 32 permanent teeth (12 incisors, 4 canines, 16 premolars)
NosePink or black, depending on coat colorpoint
Skeleton Similar to other cats, with 245 bones, including a flexible spine

Life Cycles

Balinese Cat Breed Siameses in Silk Robes

Gestation Period

In conjunction with the Balinese cat gestation period, it lasts for 63 to 68 days. Over the span of this time, the female experiences hormonal changes and physical adaptations to prepare for pregnancy and kitten development.

Life Cycle Stages

  • Kittenhood: The Balinese cat kittens are holistically dependent on their mother for milk and care from birth to around 8 weeks.
  • Weaning: Between 4 to 8 weeks, kittens little by little undergo a transition from mother’s milk to solid food.
  • Socialization: In the course of their first year, kittens remain playful and energetic, honing their hunting instincts and social skills through play with siblings and their human companions.
  • Adulthood: Around 1 years of age, these species reach physical maturity and are taken adult.
  • Seniority: The average Balinese cat lifespan is around 10 to 15 years, with some individuals living up to 20 years. During their senior years, they may face gradual changes in activity levels and entail adjustments in their diet.

Mating Habits

Mating BehaviorInduced ovulation; females only ovulate when mated
Reproduction SeasonYear-round with peaks in spring and fall
Litter Size3-5 kittens
Gestation Period63-68 days
Baby CarryingMother carries and cares for kittens for first 8-12 weeks
Independent AgeAround 4-6 months
Female NameQueen
Male NameStud, Tom
Baby NameKitten

Balinese Cat Kittens

Balinese Cat Kittens

Balinese kittens showcase a vibrant zest for life and an infectious mischievousness. To polish their energetic spirits and boasting minds, offering them with an enriching environment is key. Scratching posts, enticing toy, strategically placed high perches and interactive games will provide outlets for their boundless energy.

A fascinating Balinese kittens’ characteristic is their evolving coat coloration. Though initially born with a soft cream or white fur, their signature “color points” – the darker hues on their face, ears, paws and tail – little by little develop over time. To project the final color point of your Balinese cat pet, a curious clue lies in their tiny paw pads. On the related note, got the scoop of National Cat Day.

Balinese Cat Diet

  • The Balinese cat breed diet must nourish both body and spirit. As obligate carnivores, their culinary needs revolve around high-quality animal protein. Let’s have a look at their dietary delights:
  • Chicken, fish, beef or lamb, served up in delectable cat food formulas like kibble, wet food or even home-prepared raw or cooked meals, should be the foundation of their diet.
  • Small amounts of fruits and vegetables can add variety and essential nutrients. Think broccoli, blueberries, or pumpkin as occasional treats.
  • Encourage frequent sips with strategically placed bowls, a flowing fountain or even adding broth to their meals.
  • Occasional catnip-infused toys or tasty morsels can liven up mealtimes and feed their playful spirit. Just remember, treats should be limited to 10% of their daily calories.

The Takeaways

Forge a path through an intriguing journey as we unfold fascinating facts about Balinese cats – truly captivating animals that start with B. Join us in shedding light on their remarkable rundown!

Common NameBalinese Cat
Other Name(s)Purebred longhaired Siamese, Longhaired Siamese, Thai Siamese
Number of Species 1
Lifespan 10-15 years on average, possibly longer with proper care
Weight 4-8 kg (8.8-17.6 lbs)
Length 33-40 cm (13-15.7 inch) from head to tail, excluding tail
Most Distinctive FeatureLong, silky coat with Siamese-like colorpoint markings


Beyond their regal demeanor, Balinese cats possess a surprising affection for people of all ages.

Known for their vocal expressiveness, Balinese cats possess a gentle and relaxed temperament, and, for some individuals, may hold the added benefit of reduced allergic response.

The initial cost of a Balinese cat breed can fluctuate significantly depending on various factors, typically ranging from $400 to $1,500.

Their gentle temperament and playful spirit often endear them to children, while their intelligence and adaptability allow them to seamlessly integrate into multi-pet households.

Adorned with a medium-length, silky coat, the Balinese cat breed experiences seasonal shedding yet require minimal maintenance.

Mudassar Ahmad

He is a seasoned blogger since 2012 and an M.Phil graduate in English Linguistics. He captivates readers with his eloquent prose and insightful perspectives. His passion for language and dedication to crafting compelling content make him a trusted voice in the online sphere. Explore the world through Ahmad's literary lens.

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