World Elephant Day Awareness Event: Save the Date for Conservation
World elephant day is a day that reminds us their humanizing prehistoric magnificence, religious relevance, and environmental significance. This special day for elephants is celebrated every year on August 12. Currently, the number of elephants is falling very rapidly since last decade and it can be easily expected that at the end of current decade, they might have been extinct. Isn’t it really serious situation?
World Elephant Day History
Elephant day, a day for the largest land animal in the world was observed for the very first time on 12 August 2012. This day came into being after the constant efforts of filmmaker Patricia Sims and the Elephant Reintroduction Foundation (Thailand) in 2011. Afterwards, famous film star and legend William Shatner supported it too through a 30-minute documentary “Return to the Forest”.
Facts about Elephant Day
Common Name
Scientific Name
Number of Species
Population Size
Top Speed
Most Distinctive Feature
Elephas maximus, Loxodonta africana
2 (Asian and African)
40,000 – 50,000 (Asian), 415,000 (African)
70 years (Asian), 60 – 70 years (African)
11,000 lbs (Asian), 14,000 lbs (African)
9.8 ft (Asian), 13 ft (African)
25 mph (Asian), 35 mph (African)
Humans, lions, hyenas, and crocodiles
Grass, bark, twigs, roots, leaves, fruits
Trunk and Tusks
Around 100 African elephants are killed each day by poachers due to ivory. In order to raise awareness among people and educate them, elephant day is celebrated. A large number of elephant lovers come together to save, protect and help the elephants. This day is an opportunity to create and approve the conservation solutions to make the world suitable for elephants and their habitats. On a related note, got the scoop on African Forest Elephant!
Elephant Day related Holidays
Statistics that Matter
How to Celebrate Elephant Day?
Spread Awareness
A best way to celebrate world elephant day is to educate yourself and others about these heaviest and magnificent mammals, their life challenges and their basic needs. Not only this, share this knowledge with others through social media.
Watch movie
An easiest way of celebration is to watch some documentary or movie based on the life of elephants. You can choose from “The Jungle Book”, “Alexander”, “The Protector”, or “Water for Elephants”. Some most famous documentaries about elephants are “Echo: An Elephant to Remember,” “African Elephants: Giants of the Namib,” and “The Secret Life of Elephants.
Refuse products
Teach your children and family about the ivory and urge them to say no to such products. Ensure every time when you buy some pianos, antiques, or other products that the manufacturer has not used elephant tusks at all during the production process.
Domestication and Care
Domesticating elephants is not a practical activity as they have specialized needs for life. For example, maintaining their habitat and food is not an easy task. Moreover, they love to remain in wild with their fellows, such maintenance can’t be made at homes. However, if you really want to give them better life then try to end the problems, faced by them.
World Elephant Day Dates
Year | Date | Day |
2024 | August 12 | Monday |
2025 | August 12 | Tuesday |
2026 | August 12 | Wednesday |
2027 | August 12 | Thursday |
2028 | August 12 | Saturday |